About this blog

Read this and you will be struck with a sense of deja vu!  How often  have you come back from a exhilarating trip and to tell your friends about the wonderful time spent in the beaches of Goa and then to be asked "Did you see the Dolphins?" or "Did you see the amazing waterfall?" Your answer more often than not would be a flat 'No', Mentally kicking yourself, you would rue, "If only I had known about it earlier!"

I have had quite a few annoying experience myself which prompted me to create this space in the cloud, pepper it with information, which I could access at any point before or during my travel. In this blog I have made an effort to include those places, besides the template destinations, of "must see" or "good to see" places in the hope that my travels would be more fulfilling and fun filled!.

Many of the inputs in this blog are based on articles written by people who have been there and written about it. Some of the inputs are based on information given in pamphlets.  I have duly identified the source and attributed the articles.

New places keep cropping up even in places, you would be surprised, where you have stayed all your life! The additions to this blog would be a continual process.

To use this blog, go to the labels and click on the the place of your choice. You will get all the posts of a particular place. If you click on 'Cochin' you will get to know of the places in and around Cochin. However if you click on 'Kerala', the search will throw up all the places in Kerala that I have updated in this blog. If it has assisted you in seeing additional places during your travels, my purpose in creating this blog would have been served!

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