Feel like travelling ? Just do it !

Somebody wisely said, "Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable." Many years back a popular magazine conducted a survey among octogenarians to see what regrets they had harbored. One regret that came most prominently  was that they all fervently wished that they had traveled more in their active life !

Most of us like to travel and nearly all of us are caught with our work schedules and family constraints.  You are overwhelmed by the imaginary problems that haunt you.  Years slip by with our travel itineraries postponed indefinitely.

How do you extricate yourself from this quagmire of indecision. I have a simple solution. Adopt the Nike slogan- 'Just do it'. Some of the best holiday trips, I am sure for all of us, have been those which were planned on the spur of the moment.

Henry Morten Stanley the celebrated explorer one day decided to look for Dr Livingstone who years earlier left a flourishing practice in Glasgow, UK, to help the natives in the dark continent-Africa. Nothing was known of Dr. Livinstone. It was literally like looking for a needle in a haystack.
When Stanley asked how he decided to embark on such a difficult enterprise  he said, “I did not see the whole. I only saw this rock ahead of me; I only saw this poisonous snake which I had to kill in order to take the next step. I only saw the problem directly in front of me. If I had seen the whole thing, I would have been too overwhelmed to have attempted this.”

So folks therein lies your answer. Don't think!  Just pack your bags and leave!

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